Adelaide, Australia

Arrived in Adelaide town mid-afternoon, not really enough time to do any sight seeing before sound check. Matt wins the ambitious award for doing a 4 mile run. Guy and I tied for a lethargy grant by laying out at the pool. I believe we actually did move a muscle or two slathering on some 30 weight sun block but apart from that we couldn't even be bothered to ring for drinks. And suddenly it's a sound check.

We played to some 6,000 Adelaidians? What are folks from Adelaide known as? It doesn't matter, they were a wonderful audience and were gathered round the front of the stage by the end, a grand sight for the band, loads of energy in those people. We extended the skiffle set by playing All That Matters again giving Matt another opportunity to practice his bellow shifts and me an attempt at finding a pitch centre on the Hawaiian steel guitar. Mark continues his march to wellness and played like a god tonight.

Tomorrow is a fly/day off to Sydney so stay tuned for more notes from the road Oz style.

So long,
